

People I Met in an L.A. Coffee Shop is a blog about the people of Los Angeles.

I like to work and relax in the sun with a good cup of coffee or tea, and find myself sitting next to a wide range of people (sometimes on accident, sometimes on purpose): Entertainment executives inflict their egos on all who can hear. Musicians set up keyboards to compose music, kindly with earphones plugged in so we don't have to hear. Standup comedians show up on every morning, partly for coffee, partly to work on their long seduction of the barista. Homeless war veterans don't want a handout, but if you'd like to hear what Iraq was really like, it would be easier if they had a cup of coffee to wet their throat. Women, well past retirement age, try to pick up on 20-something men. (Yes, I have met every one of these.)

These are the people that make coffee shops in Los Angeles so worth visiting. Go grab a cup, sit back, and watch who comes by.

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